Quick Tip: iCab for iPad/iPhone Browser

Safari iPad Annoyances No cookie management other than dump them all. No private browsing mode. No option to change the browser user agent. If you get sent to a mobile version of a site just because you are on an iPad you cannot do anything about it. No adjustable cache. No offline mode. Those are [...]

OS/X tips for the lost, stolen, or broken

Backup, BACKUP, BACKUP!!! In all three cases your first line of defense is a good backup.  If you do not have multiple backups then you are an idiot and deserve to lose your data.  You obviously don’t need it. I use Time Machine for my local backup and BackBlaze for my off-site backup. However both [...]

A few OS/X apps to save & make time

Jumpcut “Jumpcut is an application that provides “clipboard buffering” — that is, access to text that you’ve cut or copied, even if you’ve subsequently cut or copied something else. The goal of Jumpcut’s interface is to provide quick, natural, intuitive access to your clipboard’s history.” — Jumpcut website Jumpcut is a huge time saver for [...]

Quick Tip: DVD screen capture with OS/X

My screen is my business. Or so I thought. The Problem: Apparently you cannot use any of the standard OS/X screen capture apps, command line tools, or hot keys to capture a frame from a DVD using iDVD. As illustrated, you just get the dreaded checkerboard of no content. The Solution: Don’t use iDVD. Use [...]